
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marking Explain Writing.

  • WALT use a rubric to mark a piece of writing. 
  • Success Criteria I will use the rubric to mark then write why I gave it that point.
  • I will add total of points and give it a level.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Usain Bolt.

We Have been Learning About Usain Bolt and how fast he is when was he born stuff like that Enjoy.

Friday, August 2, 2019

We have been learning about Ihumatao and the land issue. 

We had to choose a side:
Maori or Settlers and write how it would of been at the time. here is mine: 

I stared around slowly. I could see My Whanau praying for help.

I can hear my Whanau Yelling at the Settlers.

I could smell the Whenua.