
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 activity 3


Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

The spca charity is a charity that helps the prevention of cruelty and ill treatment of thousands of animals.
I like this charity because i like all animals and there are people out there who constantly abuse animals so its good to see there are Animal Welfare Acts that give Spca inspectors the power to investigate and prosecute when they need too. The society consists of 41 animal shelters around New Zealand including many in rural areas.
The spca charity also campaigns against livestock and entertainment animals that are also mistreated out on farms such as cows, battery operated hens and pigs. They also look into rodeo at places such as the Auckland easter show.
They take interest in domesticated animals as well such as the dogs who have their tails docked for cosmetic purposes which makes unnecessary pain for the animal.
List of shame is a recurring campaign showing the worst cases of animal abuse in New Zealand and its  designed to bring public awareness to the abuse of animals and to alert the public to keep an eye on animal cruelty and domestic family violence.
The spca receives almost no funding from government agencies so heavily relies on its campaigns and programmes and donations for its income.

Summer Learning Journey week 1 activity 2

Subject 2

Summer Learning journey week 1 activity 1

Friday, September 6, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Lords Prayer.

WALT Write and say the Lord's Prayer in te reo Māori, so we can say it off by heart.

 E tō mātou Matua i te rangi Kia tapu tou ingoa Kia tae mai tou rangatiratanga Kia meatia tau pai ai Ki runga i te whenua Kia rite ano ki to te rangi Homai ki a mātou aianei He taro mā mātou mo tēnei ra Murua o mātou hara Me mātou hoki e muru nei i o te hunga e hara ana ki a mātou, Aua hoki mātou e kawea kia whaka-waia, Engari whaka-orangia mātou i te kino, Nou hoki te rangatiratanga, te kaha, me te kororia, Ake, ake, ake Amine

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marking Explain Writing.

  • WALT use a rubric to mark a piece of writing. 
  • Success Criteria I will use the rubric to mark then write why I gave it that point.
  • I will add total of points and give it a level.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Usain Bolt.

We Have been Learning About Usain Bolt and how fast he is when was he born stuff like that Enjoy.

Friday, August 2, 2019

We have been learning about Ihumatao and the land issue. 

We had to choose a side:
Maori or Settlers and write how it would of been at the time. here is mine: 

I stared around slowly. I could see My Whanau praying for help.

I can hear my Whanau Yelling at the Settlers.

I could smell the Whenua.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

This slide show is about writing.

WALT be able to use a rubric that shows what writing level we are on and to show how good we are.

this is about Matariki.

WALT learn about Matariki.

This is about Chinese new year.

WALT learn what Chinese new year is about

This slide show is about Diwali.

WALT find out what Diwali means and things about Diwali

Friday, May 3, 2019

Here is my story about the holidays.

WALT use correct structure for a recount
Success Criteria
  • I will have a title
  • I will have an orientation(Who What Where When How)
  • I will use sequence
  • Words (first next after that then finally shortly-after)
  • I talked about how I felt.
In the Holidays.     30/4/19.
On a bright sunny Thursday morning I was lying in my bed and I was thinking about what I was going to do, as I was lying in my bed I said to my brother “we should go over to our nana’s house”, and he said “ok”, but we will have to see if they curtains are opened.” and I said “I’ll look.” and they weren't  so I said “I will go over their.” and he said “okso I went over and checked if they were there. It was only my brother Tristan and he was sitting watching tv and he said “if you want a turn on Richards Ipad you are allowed” so I grabbed it and played Fortnite it was fun I was playing a new game mode called endgame there is even a new movie endga my Nana and uncle came back it was fun I had Thor’s hammer and Iron-man's gloves I was playing for a long time.  Chace was coming over so I wondered if he wanted a turn he did so I gave him a turn. It was getting late so we had dinner we had butter chicken for dinner it was delicious we also had narn bread with it. After that I went outside to help my dad scrape all the paint off these really old wheels they were bronze with some white paint. I don’t know why my dad wanted to take all of the paint of the wheels, so I was just helping.  We had to use a scraper and then the paint was so easy to take off. When we finished that. I was thinking why do days go so fast. I swifted into bed and I thought about what tomorrow was going to be like I thought

my day was awesome because I got too play a new game mode on Fortnite. I went to bed at 10 o’clock Then I had a good nights sleep.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Easter Animation.

We made this for Easter because Easter is coming up.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Flying Ants.

We were learning about flying ants.

What sinks and what floats?

We were trying too see what could float and what could sink.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Mystery Science.

We are learning to do Mystery Science.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mystery Science.

We are trying to find out how do rivers move to one place to another place.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

My Waitangi Presentation.

I was given a question to answer so I answered it.